Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Time is Flying!!!

Seems like yesterday, when I had a teeny weeny little bundle in my arms... Those first little 'Firsts' - smile, tooth, gurgles, words, steps, jump, bite... everything has been so very special. Now, as I prepare to create her 4th birthday decor items, feels like time is flying away too soon... I want to capture every second of her life, every expression, every word she utters - because when she'll be a big girl, I'd want to go back and peep again, into her tiny world. 

Even though every second cannot be captured, the special moments need to be made extra special. I just wish to give her a fairy tale life,  full of wonderful dreams & beautiful moments! Because she is the most amazing thing in my life!

Its been hectic, with festivities & birthdays all in a row, one after another. Top that up with the school activities that need some creative attention! Working on Aanya's birthday celebrations. Finalized the theme, decor items & her dress. Lots to work on... but here's a precursor ...

Love & Hugs!

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